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My Approach


In the Humanistic Approach the therapist's main task is to create a a Theraputic atmosphere in which clients can become fully integrated again. This can only be achieved if the clients reduce their condition of worth and increase their unconditional positive self-regard. The Therapists job is to create a situation in which clients can change themselves, and this is encouraged  by an emotionally warm, accepting, understanding and non evaluative relationship in which the client is free from threat and has freedom to be the self that he/she really is. 


The Psychodynamic approach generally lays considerable stress upon influences of past experience (both real events and relationships, and the feelings, thoughts and fantasies evoked by them). In Psychodynamic Counselling the wish to relate to past and present is welcome as a means of understanding and hopefully changing the present.


Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy works with the idea that when people hold unrealistic or negative beliefs about themselves or their experiences, an emotional upset will result. If Negative thinking is extreme or persistent, it may lead to an emotional disorder.

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